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The Great Leveller Virtual Exhibition

Sweet’Art- The Great Leveller Exhibition.

I am thrilled to be part of this response by Sweet’Art.

The exhibition is a first for Sweet ‘Art, responding to social distancing guidelines while not neglecting our mission of hosting inclusive and accessible art exhibitions that explore important social issues from intersectional, feminist perspectives. Held in a virtual Sweet ‘Art gallery, accessible to anyone on a computer or phone, or even experienced as a 3D space using VR, selected artworks explore ideas of strength and support from being part of a community and ways of reaching others during social distancing. Also included is art based critique of ideas surrounding isolation, solitude and enforced joining-in, political critique in response to the societal inclusion/exclusion of marginalised communities at this time, and the potential stresses of having others beamed into your home daily!

The Virtual tour works exceptinally well, there are many talented and diverse artists on display. A guided audio tour is available.

Show runs until May 28, 2020.

Go to the virtual gallery to the  full Children of the Quarantine piece.

Go to the virtual gallery to the  full Children of the Quarantine piece.

Artist Neeq Serene will be exhibiting a photographic response to themes of isolation and loss with her piece A Matter of Time, while sculpture by Mia-Jane Harris comments on the protective roles of parents during the pandemic. Using visual cues from board games such as Risk, artist Jake Francis will exhibit Odds, wittily critiquing the circumstantial ‘worlds and territories’ families are currently experiencing in their daily entireties; dependent on location, ‘class’, and income. With Children of the Quarantine artist CW Stubbs critiques western points of the crisis including the environment, the virus itself and mental health. Although a virtual exhibition, Sweet ‘Art have endeavoured to carefully select artworks that explore the social complexities of the current climate, curating a visually powerful and conceptually challenging show.



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